Singers, speakers and all those who have to talk a lot during the day , who have a tendency to suffer from aphonia or people with chronic throat diseases should try these remedies to take care of the voice.
Discover in this article what are the best natural solutions to protect and care the voice and throat in a simple and effective.
Factors that damage the voice
There are many and varied factors that negatively affect the health of the throat and voice:
- Speaking incorrectly, forcing the vocal cords
- Shouting or over-talking
- Smoke
- Contamination
- Temperature changes and air conditioners
Internally, the functioning of our organs can also damage our throat. In addition to the flu and colds, there is also a relationship with the thyroid or intestine.
Remedies to take care of the voice and the throat
1. Plantian
The plantain major is a plant that grows in humid areas, near rivers or places with lots of water, and that is native to Europe.
The plantain has the property to soften the throat, clear the voice, calm the pain and fight the colds . It is very useful in cases of cough and aphonia.
- We can either infuse it or gargle it.
2. Malva
The mallow or marshmallow has a similar effects to the plantain, thanks to its high mucilage content.
These substances are a type of gelatinous fiber present in flowers and leaves that care for and protect the mucous membranes, both in the mouth and throat as well as in the stomach and intestine.
The mallow has anti-inflammatory, antitussive and emollient properties that serve for different disorders:
- Irritated throat
- Cough, especially if dry
- Aphonia
- Hoarseness
- Pharyngitis
- Cold
3. Salvia
Sage has important anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, two essential properties for treating most inflammations of the upper airways.
Sage, therefore, can be useful in any throat condition. It is very suitable in cases of angina, tonsillitis, cough, hoarseness or laryngitis.
4. Propolis
The natural antibiotic par excellence is propolis , an excellent choice to strengthen the immune system and fight throat affections.
It also has antiseptic properties and is rich in vitamins, minerals and essential oils. It is ideal for all types of acute and chronic inflammatory processes of the airways.
- In times of crisis we can take 5 drops every hour until we notice improvement, and then go spacing the shots.
5. Ginger
Ginger is a spice with a refreshing and spicy flavor, with the ability to generate heat, which is highly recommended for the throat.
Ginger is a common remedy for people who sing or use their voice often, to prevent and cure all kinds of conditions.
- We can take the ginger in infusion or drinks , or suck a piece of this rhizome to extract all the juice, if we endure its itch.
- At the gastronomic level, we can also add meat and fish to give them more juiciness.
6. Cinnamon
The Ceylon cinnamon , which has the most positive health effects, has heat, circulatory, anti - viral, anti - inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
For this reason it is a very complete remedy to care for the voice and cure throat disorders. We can take it in infusion, accompanied by lemon juice and bee honey or pure stevia.
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