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A Guide To Four Different Types Of Births

A Guide To Four Different Types Of Births
A Guide To Four Different Types Of Births 
Parturition is characterized by means of the beginning of a child after the completion of gestation duration.Not all births are alike; depending upon the movement of baby with in mom’s womb and other factors, there may be several types of births. Being a woman, you should have the sound knowledge of them and know the processes behind them.

Normal Or Natural Birth:

When a conceived woman, upon the successful completion of the pregnancy period, is able to give birth to a child on her own i.e. without any external assistance, it is called natural birth. Such type of birth can take place at home or hospital. Though the outside intervention is minimum in this case, yet a would-be mother needs help for her pain management.
This can be given by nurses and midwives in the form of breathing exercises, massages, speech assistance, and water cure. Sometimes, labor pains are so severe that the mother has to be kept on medication. Many a time parturition is made to augment by applying pressure over a woman’s cervix; she may also be asked to walk up and down to ease the process. In addition, psychological support is to be provided to help her relieved from any form of stress or fear concerning birth.
In order to hasten the delivery, a second step is also sometimes involved; it is called episiotomy which involves making a cut on the portion lying between vagina and perineum (anus). This is done in order to widen the opening and preventing vagina from getting tear during child birth. Some women do not need episiotomy and have the spontaneous tear; such women face less pain while recovering and shed low blood at the time of birth. Episiotomy delays the recovery process; such a woman faces problems while doing sex and is also susceptible to infections.

Benefits Of A Normal Birth

There are many physical as well as psychological benefits that are associated with a natural birth. Such a birth is usually accompanied by the speedy recovery during postnatal period. She is safe from the harm caused by the use of instruments or from abdominal surgery. It is also safe for child as he is not exposed to the harm caused by the use of surgical and other instruments. The minimum assistance does not require a mother to take medication; so the child remains safe from many harmful drugs. Another advantage is that the mother, in a normal delivery can breastfeed her child just after the birth as the complication caused by stitches is absent. This makes breastfeeding an easier task for the long run. The psychological advantage is that woman having natural delivery feels much more empowered and complete.

Suction Delivery:

Another type of child birth is via a Ventouse extractor, the equipment that helps in aiding the delivery when a child is not able push itself out on its own. The instrument is made up of either a rubber or a metallic cap which is made to stick to the child’s head by creating vacuum and pulled out of vagina. While metallic extractors can cause injuries to the scalp of the child, rubber ones are relatively safer to use; on the other hand, deliveries are much more successful with the metal caps as compared to the soft ones.

Process Involved In Suction Delivery:

The mother is made to lie with her genitalia fully stretched apart; the soft cup is placed by positioning it over fetus sagittal suture. The placement of the cup is very important and determines the success of the delivery. Another important consideration that is to be kept in mind while carrying out assisted vaginal birth is the amount of pressure applied over fetal scalp; any variation in the pressure may be injurious to child’s scalp.
After head emerges out, the cap is removed and the remaining body is pulled out. The entire process is to be wind up with in 20 minutes or it can be potentially dangerous to child. The complications associated with vacuum delivery are manifold. Retinal Hemorrhage and Rectus Paralysis are commonly associated with such a delivery.

Forceps Delivery:

This type of birth is also the result of slow movement on part of fetus though the mother makes effort to push it out. The delay in child birth may be caused due to the incorrect angle of baby’s head. Forceps delivery helps in correcting this angle; the physicians alter the position of baby’s head with forceps and it is made to push down by contractions made by mother. Keilland’s forceps are used for turning the head while Wrigley’s are employed if baby is low in birth tube. Women are given local anesthesia for getting pain relief in Forceps delivery.

Cesarean Delivery:

In such a delivery, the child is taken out by making an incision in mother’s abdomen and uterus. It is used in those cases when delivery via natural or instrumental ways can be potentially fatal to both mother and child. The cuts have to pass through a number of abdominal layers before reaching child. Doctor may use caterizer to minimize bleeding through blood vessels. As the uterus is reached, amniotic fluid (in which baby remains bathing throughout pregnancy) is suctioned away. The part of the body lying close to the pelvis is lifted first by the doctor and then the remaining part. First the head is made to come out of abdomen and then the rest of the body.
Cesarean or C-section as it is sometimes called, is also carried out in the case of emergency. There are several different types of C-sections depending upon the type of incision made. The procedure has many risks for both the mother as well as her child. In mothers, it may result in incision hernias and infections at the site of wound, and blood loss.
Also those women who have their first child via a caesarian suffer many complications at the time of their second pregnancy; the problems may include still birth, prolonged labor, and malrepresentaion. The mortality rate of child is more as compared to other types of deliveries. The expectant mothers must consult a good physician and must discuss the complications associated with child birth beforehand. She must practice relaxation and continually free her mind from any type of stress or fear.

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